Serving a
Greater Good
Xponance® formed A Good Measure Foundation to act as a catalyst for positive change. We seek to make a difference every day not only by connecting investors with innovative investment strategies and research but also by giving back. We organize and support impactful initiatives designed to foster financial literacy, democratize access to capital, and alleviate food insecurity in our local communities.

About A Good Measure Foundation (AGM)
In 2006, A Good Measure Foundation was founded by Xponance’s predecessor company FIS Group to support individuals and organizations that educate youth and work to improve the lives of impoverished or marginalized women and children. Our focus is to provide community servicing opportunities for Xponance® employees, in addition to financially supporting initiatives that are consistent with our mission.
Major Initiatives
Financial Literacy
Since 2019, we have partnered with Philadelphia Youth Basketball (PYB), to empower young people throughout the Philadelphia region to reach their potential as students, athletes, and positive leaders. The program currently supports PYB’s Collegiate Summer Camp Series (CSCS) which is a seven-week immersive summer camp for students in grades 4 through 7.
Through the CSCS programs at Temple University and La Salle University, we were able to engage the students in a conversation about financial literacy and to introduce them to concepts such as banking, investing, and stocks.
During our team’s visit to Temple University, we began by having the students watch and discuss an interview with NBA star Draymond Green in which he talked about his path to financial literacy and his challenge of managing large sums of money as a young man. We reviewed financial terms and the students participated in an interactive exercise to understand stock ownership. Each student selected a company in which to invest; while Nike stock seemed to be the most popular option, some ambitious students asked if they could simply start their own companies.
After making their selections, students used iPads we provided to search for ticker symbols, opening prices and closing prices. Students were encouraged to consider whether it would be wiser to use their money to buy a pair of Nike shoes or Nike stock and to calculate what their return on investment would be had they purchased their stock two years ago.
Funding for the program is provided by Xponance’s 501(c)(3) affiliate, A Good Measure Foundation.
Outreach to Vulnerable Population
Through our partnership with Broad Street Ministries, AGM sponsored meals for our vulnerable neighbors for an entire week. Every quarter, our Philadelphia employees have the opportunity to serve lunch, feeding between 100 and 300 people at each sitting. Additionally, we host an annual clothing and toiletry drive for the Broad Street Ministries community.
Facing our Racial Demons and Healing Them in 2020
As people of good conscience raise their voices in response to the killing of George Floyd and a justice system whose impartiality too often excludes black and brown peoples, Dr. King’s words 60 years ago should haunt us all. I am sickened by the senselessness of Mr. Floyd’s death, stand with the peaceful protestors’ expression of justifiable outrage while condemning the few who have used them to wage destruction in our communities.