Cesar J. Gonzales, Jr. CMFC®

Director, Manager Development and Client Portfolio Manager

Cesar J. Gonzales, Jr., CMFC® is Director, Manager Development and Client Portfolio Manager at Xponance®. He is a voting member of Xponance’s Investment Committee and a member of the Management Committee. He is responsible for manager development and manager coaching in addition to leading the Xponance® Ecosystem. Cesar is the liaison between Xponance’s manager research team and our client facing team. He is responsible for coordinating client implementations of Aapryl solutions through our financial technology subsidiary company.

Cesar has over 33 years of investment experience with an emphasis on the utilization of entrepreneurial managers. He has served in various senior investment management capacities including portfolio management, program management and operations at prestigious institutions such as Progress Investment Management Company, IBM Retirement Fund, E*TRADE Global Asset Management and Calvert Asset Management Company.

His passion for entrepreneurial managers was developed at his first job with Hutchinson Richardson Investment Management, an entrepreneurial manager in San Francisco. Cesar’s breadth and depth of knowledge provides Xponance® with a unique perspective in the utilization of entrepreneurial managers. He is an active member of the Association of Asian American Investment Managers and the National Association of Securities Professionals.

Cesar graduated Summa Cum Laude from Strayer University with a B.S. degree in Economics and completed his M.B.A. with honors. Cesar hold the CMFC® designation.