Serena Li, CFA*
Quantitative Analyst, Systematic Global Equities
Serena Li is a Quantitative Analyst on the Systematic Global Equities Platform. Serena provides quantitative support to the research and portfolio management activities on the platform. With her strong coding skills, Serena is also responsible for building automation and increasing process efficiency.
Prior to Xponance, Serena interned with Morgan Stanley Huaxin Securities in the Quality Control group and PricewaterhouseCoopers Assurance in China.
Serena received her M.S. in Business Analytics from Wake Forest University, and her B.S. in Accounting from Zhejiang Gongshang University in China. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS). Serena holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
*CFA® is a trademark owned by CFA Institute.