Fis Group Q1 2016: Moving Beyond A Forgettable Year

PHILADELPHIA, PA, January 15, 2016 – FIS Group, a manager of U.S. and global developed, emerging and frontier markets equity portfolio strategies, today issued its Q1 2016 Market Outlook, which suggests caution on U.S. equities, highlights opportunities in Japan, Europe, and India, and assesses possible sources of a tail risk event that could disrupt global equities.

2015 In Review – A Forgettable Year

For the most part, 2015 was a forgettable year as growth anemia and disappointment, enduring characteristics of the post GFC period, continued. At 3.1%, global growth once again underperformed IMF forecasts from October 2014 with most of the disappointment emanating from the Emerging world that is most exposed to the slowdown in China and the end of the commodity super-cycle. With notable exceptions of commodity producers such as Brazil and South Africa, inflation also underperformed the 2014 forecast, underpinned primarily by weak demand and the precipitous decline in commodity prices.

Fis Group Market Insights Alert Probes “What Is Really Happening In China?”

PHILADELPHIA, PA, October 29, 2015 – FIS Group, a manager of U.S. and global developed, emerging and frontier market equity portfolio strategies, today issued its newest Market Insights Alert on the rapidly evolving economic and investment picture in China. Following the summer’s volatility and the ongoing Chinese economic deterioration and sliding profit data which has unnerved global investors, FIS Group looks at the risks and opportunities across asset classes: equities, currency, and fixed income.