Liquid Holdings Joins Fis Group Ecosystem Of Service Providers Dedicated To Helping Emerging Investment Managers

Liquid Holdings Group, Inc. LIQD a provider of a single platform that integrates order, execution, and risk management as well as reporting and shadow NAV in the cloud for the financial services community, today announced it will be among the first group of approved service providers included in the FIS Group Ecosystem. FIS Group, an innovative leader in sourcing and building emerging manager portfolios, created the Ecosystem to assist talented entrepreneurial portfolio managers in the formation and strengthening of new asset management firms.

Ecosystem Webinar Presentation

Facilitating opportunity
• Grow and diversify the pool of talented entrepreneurial managers to the benefit
of the asset management industry
• Support entrepreneurial efforts of talented investment managers
• Increase FIS Group’s first mover track record from 25% to 50%
of all funded firms
• Funded entirely by revenue generated from
FIS Group’s core business
• Services provided at no cost to the managers

Pain & Gain: What Happens Now That Emerging Markets Have Submerged?

During a rather sobering January, several clients wondered whether we were maintaining our generally bullish sentiment on G3 equity markets discussed in our mid-month market outlook presentation. Thus far (January 30, 2014), that conviction has admittedly been severely tested with the Dow down 4.39%; the S&P 500 down 2.39%; the Russell 2000 down 2.09%; MSCI EAFE down 3.57% and Emerging Markets down by a whopping 6.61%. First, let’s recall the highlights of our 2014 strategy report: