Investment Firm Xponance Helps Asset Allocators Identify Skillful Managers With FinTech Application Aapryl
David Andrade, Chief Technology Officer of Xponance and General Manager of Aapryl, spoke about how technology can make the investment manager selection process more efficient with Wei-Shen Wong of WatersTechnology.
The Bane of the Boutique Manager – Structural Opportunities in Small Portfolios
In a perfect world (for boutique managers), investment talent and execution would be enough. The best managers would prove their worth through performance, and allocations would follow.
Asset Allocation During Challenging Geopolitical Times
Like many global investment managers, we have been asked by asset owners, their consultants, and the media about our exposure to Russia as well as our perspective on the investment impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Alpha Opportunities in Small Cap
View PDF | Print VersionThere has been a long-standing belief that the small-cap universe offers greater opportunity for active management to add value relative to a capitalization weighted benchmark than is the case for the large-cap universe. We compare the alpha...
What Our Boutique Managers are Saying About Investment Opportunities due to the Russian War in Ukraine (So Far)
View PDF | Print Version“Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma” - Winston Churchill This is now the fifth time Russia has become ‘uninvestable’ in our careers, so we have plenty of experience in seismic shocks such as these. The way to successfully...
What Concerns Us: Q1 2022 Market Outlook
For most of the world, the hope for 2022 is that it is the least bad year of the last three. But for global financial markets, this feels like a far-too-lofty aspiration. Following years of surging returns formost financial assets over the past several years …