This Time Is Different in Japan: Part 2: Q1 2024 Multi-Manager Platform Update

There is reason to be bullish on Japanese equities, due to market reforms and interventions over the past decade. In this note, we will recap those reforms we see as most relevant for global stock pickers, followed by insights from a selection of our high conviction boutique managers.

The View From the Top: What the Markets Look Like at a Potential Top of the Rate Cycle

The View From the Top: What the Markets Look Like at a Potential Top of the Rate Cycle

Investors’ 2023 New Years’ resolution was apparently to forgive and forget their travails of 2022, as global markets spent 2023 shrugging off the prior years’ anxieties. Excluding emerging East Asia, major global markets have already fully recovered from their losses related to the inflation induced rate cycle kicked off in early 2022.

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Systematic Global Equities: Q4 2023 Update

Systematic Global Equities: Q4 2023 Update

As 2023 drew to a close, the financial markets began to manifest the early signs of a soft-landing scenario, marked by a robust rally in equity markets in the fourth quarter, showcasing double-digit gains. This period was characterized by broadening of market strength, with notable outperformance by small-cap stocks, heavily shorted names, lower-quality companies, unprofitable tech, and a mix of long-duration, meme, cyclical, and value stocks.

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