This Time Is Different in Japan: Part 2: Q1 2024 Multi-Manager Platform Update

There is reason to be bullish on Japanese equities, due to market reforms and interventions over the past decade. In this note, we will recap those reforms we see as most relevant for global stock pickers, followed by insights from a selection of our high conviction boutique managers.

The Power of Quality Investing

The Power of Quality Investing

While it is intuitively easy to understand that quality companies outperform in the long run, factors that fall in the Quality category often get less attention than the more popular Value and Growth factors. As we head into a slowing economy and possibly a recession amidst an inflationary environment, quality factors once again deserve the attention of investors.

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U.S. Fixed Income: Q3 2022 Update

U.S. Fixed Income: Q3 2022 Update

Three quarters of 2022 are in the books, and it is certainly three quarters fixed income investors would all like to forget. As has become our custom, we present a Market Scorecard to document what has occurred across fixed income markets. The numbers are breathtakingly bad and putting them (once again) in a historical context, the bond vigilantes have delivered on the worst three quarter stretch (for some sectors) ever. The broad corporate market, for example, has seen its worst three quarters in succession since inception of modern corporate indices. The same can be said for the broad US Treasury market. At this point, however, we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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