Market Outlook | Papers

Since mid-June this year, the wild ride in the Chinese A-share stock market along with deteriorating economic and profit data have unnerved many global investors. Against this backdrop, the Chinese government’s remarkably stable GDP growth reports of 7% for Q2 and 6.9% for Q3 have engendered increasing concern over the credibility of official figures. In an attempt to counter this slowdown, the government has rolled out a series of measures designed to stimulate demand. It has cut interest rates and reduced bank reserve requirements seven times this year, released funds for infrastructure investment, cut taxes on automobile sales and lowered the required down-payment for home mortgages. Historical precedent suggest that as China transitions to a “middle income” economy, the path of least resistance is downward. Based in part on observations from our recent visit to China, in this report, we posit that the key to understanding opportunities and risks in China is to:

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